Domaine Home: How To Throw a Modern Mexican Wedding
So thrilled to be featured on Domaine Home! For my tips on "How To Throw a Modern Mexican Wedding", head over here.
So thrilled to be featured on Domaine Home! For my tips on "How To Throw a Modern Mexican Wedding", head over here.
This blog has been nearly a lifetime in the making, long before the existence of blogs. Ever since I can remember, I have been tearing pages from magazines and until the invention of Pinterest, cataloguing them into binders organized by category: Recipes, Fashion, Makeup, Hair, Party Planning, Living Rooms, Kitchens, Tables, Chairs, etc.
My purpose in doing so didn't become completely clear to me until I realized I could share these findings with the world via Pinterest. I quickly found that people enjoyed discovering these things as much as I did and I decided that I wanted to share them in a more intimate yet widespread way- via a blog. I also started my own interior design company this year, and wanted a way for people to get to know my style and get a sense of my personality and get a glimpse of how my brain works when it comes to the design world, so I thought this would be a great venue for that. To get started, I've compiled a list of 12 things that fuel me, inspire me, and make me happy: